Dreamy Nights and Her

In dreamful night where stars do softly gleam,
And moonlight spills like silver o’er the sea,
I wander ‘midst the realms of slumb’ring dream,
Where she, my love, doth dance so fair to me.

Her visage, like the dawn’s first blush of gold,
Doth light the darkened corridors of sleep,
In visions sweet, her gentle grace unfolds,
As shadows o’er the waking world do creep.

Her voice, a melody of Heaven’s grace,
Doth serenade the silent night’s embrace,
And in each whispered word I find a place,
Where love’s pure light doth shine in softest space.

Her laughter, like the songbirds in the morn,
Doth fill the night with echoes soft and sweet,
In dreams she walks where time is yet unborn,
And ‘neath her gaze, the world seems all complete.

O, let these dreamy nights ne’er find an end,
For in her arms, my heart doth ever dwell,
With every star, my soul doth there ascend,
In love’s embrace, where all the dreams do swell.

So when the dawn its golden rays doth send,
And night’s soft shroud must part to greet the day,
I’ll hold the dreams of her, my heart’s true friend,
Until the night returns to guide my way.

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